Jos & Jo's Trip to Europe

04 October 2009

First Floor

The first floor is nearly completed, the roof trusses, roof and the windows will be completed by next week (you can see the windows on the ground in front of the house, waiting for the locals to help themselves):

Scaffolding around the house to prevent falls:

You can see our neighbour's house in the background which will probably be finished by Christmas:

Looking down the north side towards the acorn tree which will be removed soon:

From the first floor in the master bedroom, looking into our neighbours backyard (fortunately no large windows on this side):

Looking up the hill towards one of the new houses in our subdivision:

My Dutch husband convinced me that we should invest in double glazed windows which are standard in Europe.  Although expensive, we will save on energy bills by helping to keep the cold out in Winter and the heat out in Summer (our Melbourne Winters are quite mild in comparison with Europe, averaging about 5-16 degrees celcius, however our Summers can be extremely hot and range from 25-47 degrees celcius).

FOR THOSE that read our Blog "AUGUST NEWS":

There are no winners for guessing what the black animal was that we saw at Wilsons Promontory.

Cees from the Netherlands thought it was just a regular moggy.

I am still searching for the answer, but our guess is that it is a possum.



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Heel verstandig van die Hollandse man:)

Lydia said...

Hi dad en Jo!

The house is really turning into something wonderfull!! And it's getting to something real quick. Here in Holland it takes much longer to build a house!

Good luck to you both!
